aNaMaRiA ~ artblog

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A small gift from Carlos / Un regalo de Carlitos

©2011. Carlitos

Este es Carlitos trabajando en el documental para Nexus...
Y esto me encontré en en mi computador hace un ratico:

Cheshire Cat - Frame: Alice in Wonderland (Disney 1951)

`Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'

`That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.
`I don't much care where--' said Alice.
`Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.

Puertas / Doors

©2011. Patito Luna

¿Qué hace que una puerta sea Puerta? ...Pensando en los bordes invisibles de las cosas, esos que se cruzan mentalmente y que separan habitaciones de tiempos paralelos.

©2011. Puerta

What is it that makes a door A Door? ...Thinking of the invisible limits of things, those edges that can be mentally penetrated, those that are meant to separate rooms of parallel times.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Updating... Actualizando... !

©2011. Piano

No he tenido tiempo de incluir imágenes en este blog, así que poco a poco les iré mostrando algunos bocetos que hice en Julio, Agosto y Septiembre :) Paciencia Yago, paciencia.

©2011. Violinistas

Unfortunately I can't seem to find enough time to include more images. But I'll be sharing with you, week by week, some sketches developed in July, August and September :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And a last breakfast with Scattered Reveries!

Some costumers of the cafe having a delicious breakfast last Saturday.
MY SISTER and WHAT GROWS WITH TREES? accompanying them... mmm!

(Photographs: courtesy of Carlos Manrique)

Algunos clientes del café desayunando el Sábado pasado.
MI HERMANA y ¿QUÉ CRECE CON LOS ÁRBOLES? acompañándolos... mmm!

Café & Water... the artist's book, el libro-arte!

Departure (1st part of tryptic: Fragmented Adventures)
Partida (1ra parte del tríptico: Aventuras Fragmentadas)

This artist's book was finished in 2008. It describes my experience as a migrant, including the preparation for the trip, the arrival, and firs impressions. Creating it was part of the journey!
I loved the fact that many people were able to touch it and read it at the exhibition... I wish I had remembered to put a visitor's book somewhere to see what they thought about it! Oh well, next time!
Este libro arte se terminó en el 2008. Describe mis pensamientos como emigrante, narrando la preparación del viaje, la llegada y las primeras impresiones. Realizarlo resultó ser parte de la experiencia.
Me encantó saber que muchas personas pudieran acercarse, tocarlo y leerlo en la exposición... Si tan solo me hubiera acordado de poner un cuadernito para recibir los apuntes de los visitantes! Bueno, queda pendiente para la próxima!

Algunas imagenes de la expo... Some images from the exhibition...

My Sister (Tittle of picture book)

Café & Water (pages and artist's book)

Purple Tree (Árbol morado) & Ladybug (Mariquita)

River rat (Ratita de río), Tortoises (Tortugas) & Pelican (Pelícano)

Window (Ventana) & Gestating (Gestando)

Y este es el Tincat... So this is the Tincat...

Images of the Tincat Cafe.
The little paintings hung inside belong to MY SISTER,
the picture book that I really wish to publish soon.

Imágenes del Tincat Cafe.
Los cuadritos en la pared de al fondo son los de MI HERMANA,
el libro álbum que quiero publicar algún día.