aNaMaRiA ~ artblog

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Final image!!!

©2011. Camino.
And this is the final one :)
Y este es el resultado :)

Image making, Creando una imagen...

©2011. Camino.
This is how it went from beginning to end :)
Este es el proceso de creación :)

Abstract compositions in black and white... Composiciones abstractas a blanco y negro

©2011. Gente, Bote, Arbol.
Just practicing how to organize values in a composition:
"Not matter what the subject may be, a great composition is based on great relationships of abstract shapes." (...) "The best way to learn to see in black and white is to work on black and white."
- Stephen Quiller (Painter's guide to color, p.40)

Practicando el uso de valores en diferentets composiciones.

Value Scale & Intensity Chart

I've been busy organizing a few things....
So besides working on my animation project, where I am finally practicing animation principles, I've been trying to find some exhibition opportunities and meeting great creative people to develop some artwork in the future! Also, I am now going to be teaching Painting for Illustration at UniSA!!! I'm so excited about it :)
The fish-bowl grows... and so, the fish must too :)

He estado ocupada organizando algunas cosas...
Aparte de trabajar en mi proyecto de animación, en donde por fín he podido sacarle el jugo a los principios y técnicas, he seguido buscando oportunidades para exponer y conociendo mentes creativas admirables pensando en arte para el futuro! Además resulta que esta semana comienzo a dictar clases de Pintura para Ilustración en la universidad de South Australia!!! Qué emoción :)
La pecera crece... y así mismo debe el pez :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sustos importantes... Important fears

©2011. Mentes, Huesos de pez.
Can't only be "yang".
No se puede ser solamente "yang".

YIN: the passive principle of the universe, characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark and cold. (feminine, moon, shade)

YANG: the active principle of the universe, characterized as male and creative and associated with heaven, heat and light. (male, sun, positive)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cantantets... Singers

©2011. Viejito cantante, Cantantes.
Sketches inspired by one of the concerts at the Adelaide Town Hall.
Bocetos basados en uno de los conciertos del teatro en donde trabajo.

Hojas-rayas... Leaves-stingrays

©2011. Rayashojas.
Falling and swimming life.
Cayéndose y nadándose la vida.


©2011. Possums.
Visitando nuestro jardín en Febrero.
Visiting our garden in February.