Monday, June 27, 2011
Prendemos la chimenea?
Este es mi papá... conmigo... callado.
De él aprendí el arte de la contemplación, de la interpretación... del silencio.
De la chimenea y sus fantasmas, y de él.
Que las tardes de fogata por venir sean muchas, Luchito.
Felíz cumpleaños!
Con todo mi amor,
Me and my dad... the process
Blossom of snow
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
A seed planted by Gina
Carlos, Gina and I were discussing the creative process, in particular the importance of "nurturing" our life quietly, before going through periods of active production. We were doing this while drinking some tea and hot chocolate -I love talking about art inside the real world with friends that I love, and feel that kind of support when addressing philosophical questions. After all, as Gina said, art is all about humanity! ...As a sweet dessert, she surprised us with her poem:
Click here to take a look at Gina's Art Reviews at Glam Adelaide :)
And here I share with you that bit of the book that Carlos had been reading and we were discussing: Art of Thought, by Graham Wallas,1926. In the Wallas stage model, creative insights and illuminations may be explained by a process consisting of 5 stages:
"(i) preparation (preparatory work on a problem that focuses the individual's mind on the problem and explores the problem's dimensions),
(ii) incubation (where the problem is internalized into the unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be happening),
(iii) intimation (the creative person gets a "feeling" that a solution is on its way),
(iv) illumination or insight (where the creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness); and
(v) verification (where the idea is consciously verified, elaborated, and then applied)."
I hope you find this useful, I did :)
"And in the recess of your mind
a seed explodes
Led by the after image
it grows and blooms to a new reality"
- © Gina De Pieri Salvi, 1992
a seed explodes
Led by the after image
it grows and blooms to a new reality"
- © Gina De Pieri Salvi, 1992
Click here to take a look at Gina's Art Reviews at Glam Adelaide :)
And here I share with you that bit of the book that Carlos had been reading and we were discussing: Art of Thought, by Graham Wallas,1926. In the Wallas stage model, creative insights and illuminations may be explained by a process consisting of 5 stages:
"(i) preparation (preparatory work on a problem that focuses the individual's mind on the problem and explores the problem's dimensions),
(ii) incubation (where the problem is internalized into the unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be happening),
(iii) intimation (the creative person gets a "feeling" that a solution is on its way),
(iv) illumination or insight (where the creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness); and
(v) verification (where the idea is consciously verified, elaborated, and then applied)."
I hope you find this useful, I did :)
Monday, June 20, 2011
I just love this little monster! It is a friendly monster isn't it? I wonder what represents myself within the drawing... the fish, the lines, the castle or the paper?
Me encanta este monstruico! Es todo amigable ¿no? Me pregunto yo quién soy dentro del dibujo... ¿el pez, las líneas, el castillo o el papel?
The river En la noche
We walked at night to the city. On top of the bridge we saw two faces of the river: the shiny, inhabited, noisy part on our right, and the isolated, dark, silent and steady part on our left. We decided to contemplate our left side for a long time. We weren't alone.
Caminamos en la noche a la ciudad. Cruzando el puente pudimos verle dos caras al río: la cara brillante, habitada y ruidosa a nuestra derecha, y la cara solitaria, oscura y quieta a nuestra izquierda. Decidimos contemplarle la izquierda por largo tiempo. No estábamos solos.
Turtles and Cronopios all the way down :)
"A Brief History of Time begins with a striking image and a wonderful true story: An elderly lady attended a public lecture given by an astrophysicist on how the Earth goes around the Sun and how the Sun circles about with countless other stars in our galaxy the Milky Way. During the question and answer session, the woman stood up and told the distinguished scientist that his lecture was nonsense, that the Earth is a flat disk supported on the back of an enormous tortoise. The scientist tried to outwit the lady by asking, "Well, my dear, what supports the tortoise?" To which she replied, "You're a very clever young man, but not clever enough. It's turtles all the way down!" " - A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, by Stephen W. Hawking, 1988
"Tortugas y cronopios: Ahora pasa que las tortugas son grandes admiradoras de la velocidad, como es natural. Las esperanzas lo saben, y no se preocupan. Los famas lo saben, y se burlan. Los cronopios lo saben, y cada vez que encuentran una tortuga, sacan la caja de tizas de colores y sobre la redonda pizarra de la tortuga dibujan una golondrina." - Historias de cronopios y de famas, Julio Cortázar, 1962.
:) Ricas casualidades!
"Tortugas y cronopios: Ahora pasa que las tortugas son grandes admiradoras de la velocidad, como es natural. Las esperanzas lo saben, y no se preocupan. Los famas lo saben, y se burlan. Los cronopios lo saben, y cada vez que encuentran una tortuga, sacan la caja de tizas de colores y sobre la redonda pizarra de la tortuga dibujan una golondrina." - Historias de cronopios y de famas, Julio Cortázar, 1962.
:) Ricas casualidades!
Carl Vine & Shostakovich
I've got such an interesting job at the Adelaide Town Hall as a theatre attendant! Whenever I've got a chance, I draw! It was a rainy night and while doing my shift outside the auditorium I did these.
Tengo un trabajo delicioso en el Adelaide Town Hall. Trabajo como asistente de teatro y en cualquier oportunidad que encuentre me dedico a dibujar en mi librito de bolsillo! Esa noche estaba lloviendo pero podía escuchar el concierto a través de la puerta del auditorio... y estas imagenes son el resultado :)
Manchas... Stains...
Some times I spend long minutes looking at the stains of colour left casually on a watercolour paper! I just find them fascinating and inspiring! :)
Algunas veces encuentro fascinante e inspirador poder dedicarme a mirar de cerca las manchas de color derramadas casualmente sobre un papel acuarela! :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy father's day!
Felíz día para todos los papás que conocemos!
En especial para Luchito, Edilberto, Salatiel y Luis Felipe!
Un abrazo gigante con muchísimo amor!
Ana & Carlitos
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Ciudades / Cities
Ciudad Nocturna, Ciudad Caliente & Ciudad mojada.Dark City, Hot city & Wet city.
"Tengo una carpeta para los objetos, una carpeta para los animales, una para las personas, una carpeta para los personajes históricos y otra para los héroes de la mitología; tengo una carpeta sobre las cuatro estaciones y una sobre los cinco sentidos; en una recojo páginas sobre las ciudades y los paisajes de mi vida y en otra ciudades imaginarias, fuera del espacio y del tiempo." - Italo Calvino: Las Ciudades Invisibles (p.4)
Finishing and framing :)

niña en pijama que me regaló María José,
gato a rayas que me dió Vivi y una cuna miniatura que me salió en un huevito Kinder.
These are some other images of the process of finishing my drawings for the Challinger Gallery. You'll be able to see the colour tests, the black and white prints and the framing stages.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
What grows with trees? ...will have to wait :(
Dear all,
Unfortunately the engineering staff who are in charge of hanging up the paintings at the Challinger Gallery (Royal Adelaide Hospital) are on strike. And so this beautiful exhibition that I was SO much looking forward to sharing with you, will have to wait until further notice!!! :(
I'll be letting you know when the situation is solved, fingers crossed it's soon!
Queridos todos,
Desafortunadamente el departamento encargado de colgar las pinturas en la galería Challinger del hospital está en huelga. Y me he visto obligada a posponer esta exhibición hermosa que he querido compartirles desde hace tanto tiempo!!! :(
Les estaré avisando cuándo se solucione el problema, crucen los dedos por mí!
Unfortunately the engineering staff who are in charge of hanging up the paintings at the Challinger Gallery (Royal Adelaide Hospital) are on strike. And so this beautiful exhibition that I was SO much looking forward to sharing with you, will have to wait until further notice!!! :(
I'll be letting you know when the situation is solved, fingers crossed it's soon!
Queridos todos,
Desafortunadamente el departamento encargado de colgar las pinturas en la galería Challinger del hospital está en huelga. Y me he visto obligada a posponer esta exhibición hermosa que he querido compartirles desde hace tanto tiempo!!! :(
Les estaré avisando cuándo se solucione el problema, crucen los dedos por mí!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Los Pitufos! The Smurfs! Les Schtroumpfs!
Este dibujo me acordó de Los Pitufos, esas criaturitas hermosas que me gustaban tanto cuando era niña y que solía tatuarme en los brazos con calcomanías que venían en la leche condensada y en los helados de Cremhelado!!! Hoy me puse a jugar con Photoshop y después de colorear y colorear así sea lo último que haga... este fue el resultado :)
The Smurfs (French: Les Schtroumpfs) The original term and the accompanying language came during a meal Peyo was having with his colleague and friend André Franquin in which, having momentarily forgotten the word "salt", Peyo (the author of the comic strip) asked him (in French) to pass the schtroumpf. Franquin replied: "Here's the Schtroumpf — when you are done schtroumpfing, schtroumpf it back" and the two spent the rest of that weekend speaking in schtroumpf language. The name was later translated into Dutch as Smurf, which was adopted in English. ....!!! :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Some more of my studio... otras del estudio

©2011. Photo of my studio with some images for another project.
Foto de mi estudio con imágenes que pertenecen a otro proyecto.
©2011. Photo of one of the first prints I took home to play with techniques.
Foto de una de las primeras impresiones que realicé para jugar con materiales.
©2011. Photo of prints with the first layer of watercolours, gouaches and ink.
Foto de impresiones con la primera capa de acuarelas, aguadas y tinta.
Foto de mi estudio con imágenes que pertenecen a otro proyecto.

Foto de una de las primeras impresiones que realicé para jugar con materiales.

Foto de impresiones con la primera capa de acuarelas, aguadas y tinta.
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